Summer Moving Tips: How to Prepare For a Stress-Free Move in Peak Season

While preparing for your big move, you’ll inevitably tackle the big question, “When’s the best time to move?” Many families choose to move in the summer months. It’s a great idea because kids are out of school, the weather and road conditions are good, and there are usually lots of houses on the market. All the benefits of summer moving also make it the busiest season for professional moving companies. The expert summer moving tips below will help you plan a successful peak season move. 

Albert Fanelli, General Manager of Al’s Moving and Storage, wants to help you have the best summer moving experience possible. Read David’s article below to learn about some of the challenges you could face, plus get his pro tips for a successful summer moving experience.

Summer Moving: Preparing For Your Big Move

America is the most mobile country in the world. It’s what we do. We have been a nation on the move since before our country’s inception. Most of us arrived here from across an ocean and we remain willing to seek new opportunity and adventure in new places.

Moving Trends

Each year, about 14 percent of people living in America move—that’s nearly 40 million people! According to the U.S. Census Bureau, here’s how these moves break down:

  • 23,468,000 moved within the same county (local moving)
  • 7,728,000 moved within the same state
  • 7,628,000 moved to a different state (interstate moving)
  • 1,269,000 moved to a different country

Couples with children are the most likely to move long distance. People also tend to move less frequently as they get older, until they reach retirement age around 65 years old.

Most people move in the summer months, after selling their homes in the spring season. Families may also choose a summer move because their kids are out of school. The peak season for moving is between late May and September. The ends of each summer month are the three or four busiest weeks of the entire year for moving companies.

Summer Moving Tips

Moving during summer will generally mean paying more for moving services, because peak season rates are typically higher than other times of the year. Even worse for consumers: most professional moving companies are effectively sold out at many times over the summer, which means you may not be able to get a good mover to help you at all. However, this scenario can often be avoided, as can other potential peak season problems.

Follow these seven pro tips for a successful summer move. 

1. Plan Ahead

Get estimates from reputable moving companies at least four weeks prior to moving day. Remember: in the summer, demand for movers always exceeds the capacity of the moving industry.

2. Summer Moving: Move Earlier in the Month

Try to schedule your move during the first few weeks of the month. Avoid moving during the last week of each summer month if possible. This can make a huge difference in moving companies’ availability, cost, and quality of service.

3. Research Your Movers

Watch out for deals and estimates that seem too good to be true. Beware of telephone quotes and always get a visual survey of your residence. If a moving company doesn’t want to send a representative to your home, they are likely not a legitimate moving company. Always check their online reputation and certifications before committing.

4. Communicate with Your Moving Company

We all expect customer service reps to be proactive, but don’t assume that your move is covered. If you haven’t established regular contact with your pre-move coordinator, reach out!

5. Prepare and Pack

Don’t underestimate the time and patience required to pack up your belongings. Packing in the summer heat can be a long, sweaty process, especially if you elect to do the packing yourself. Leave plenty of time for packing, because it is very important to be ready to go on moving day.

6. Be Mindful of Kids and Pets

Keep your family safe by making sure kids and pets are out of the way on moving day. It’s unsafe for everyone involved if they are running by while movers carry heavy furniture. Keep the kids occupied and don’t let them play on or near the moving truck!

7. Travel After Moving Day

Avoid making travel arrangements on your move date if possible. High summer demand can cause moving schedules to shift, so your move could begin at a different time or even on a different day than you originally planned.

Al’s Moving and Storage has decades of experience moving families around the corner and across the globe. As you begin the moving process, please feel free to contact us. We know how to take the stress out of moving and save you time and money. At Ace Relocation, summertime and the moving are easy.

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