Moving on Short Notice? Check Out These Tips

Moving on Short Notice

In the Ideal situation, your move will be something you can plan over an extended period of time so you have time to plan. However, on some occasions customers don’t always have the benefit of time. Your work might let you know you have to move in a month, for example.

When you are moving on short notice, it’s essential to use the right strategy to get where you want to go with all of your stuff intact.

Advice for Moving on Short Notice

1. Make a list and timeline.

When moving on short notice, a task list and timeline are essential. You have a shortened timeframe to get everything done, so it is critical to stay on track. 

Create a task list of everything that must get done for the move. Include things like booking your movers, setting up utilities, packing your home, completing the change of address forms, transferring your kids’ schools, organizing important documents, etc.

Next, make a timeline. Prioritize your task list with dates and check things off as you move through it. This will ensure that you get everything completed before your moving day.

2. Ask for assistance where you can get it.

Moving is hard work. You have to pack, haul it all out of the house, transport it to the new location, then haul it all back inside. Even for a small apartment, you are looking at several days of work.

You don’t want to have to do it all alone if you can help it. Ask friends and family if they are available, and see if they can lend you a hand.

3. Consider hiring movers when moving on short notice

Securing the help of professional movers is probably the quickest and most hassle-free way to handle a short notice move.

An affordable full-service mover can help with packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and even unpacking your belongings. You can select which moving services you need to help get the job done.

Waste no time in contacting a few movers for quotes, then immediately get your move day locked in and scheduled with the one that best meets your needs. 

4. Try to look at things with a clear head.

Finding out that you have to move on short notice is automatically anxiety-inducing. It can’t be helped. Short notice moves are already tricky – trying to move with little time is just that much harder. It can lead to rushed decisions and poor planning, things that you want to avoid if possible.

If you have found out that you have to move soon, take some deep breaths and wait until you are relatively calm to make firm plans. If necessary, ask for someone to help with the planning that is not directly affected by the move.

5. Take advantage of moving supplies and equipment.

New moving boxes, packing tape guns, labels, dollies, and hand carts all make moving a lot easier and more efficient. Sure, you might have to spend a little money to buy and rent those supplies, but they will be well worth it.

For example, moving boxes are easier to pack and stack then boxes you find behind the grocery store. The easier they are to use, the less time you have to spend fussing over them.

Contact your moving company for all the right moving supplies.

5. Focus more on speed than the organization.

If you are really short on time, it’s probably a better idea to focus on getting things packed more quickly than in a more organized way. You might be the kind of person that wants everything in its right place, but now is not the time to become too fussy over such things.

If you have the time to purge your stuff while packing— great — otherwise, you might need to jump right in and pack up everything. The goal is to get to your new home quickly.

6. Label everything.

One step you don’t want to overlook is to label every box. It will help those assisting with your move and save you headaches when you arrive at your new home.

Make Your Short Notice Move Easy

The right moving company can help make your short notice move much easier. If you need help with your next move, please get in touch with our team. We are standing by to assist you.

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